School Closure Resource Page

Since it’s looking less likely that online learning is just for a couple of weeks, I’ll be updating a page to help parents get help for their kids. Sharing a roof 24/7 is tough enough without bringing schoolwork into the equation.

Page is here:

Feel free to suggest links. I’ll add them to the main page as I can.


Stay safe.


10 thoughts on “School Closure Resource Page

    • Standardized testing is cancelled for this year. Students will not return for the 2019-2020 school year, so there will be no testing. High school students requiring AP exams will take them at home in a modified form.

  1. Thanks so much for operating such a great web resource for LAUSD parents!

    Now that LAUSD has announced that the upcoming school year will start online, I am looking into private school (in-person) options for my kids this upcoming year. But, one of them is already enrolled in a pretty selective magnet school. Will we lose his spot in the magnet school for the 2021-2022 school year by enrolling him elsewhere in a private school this year? Thanks in advance for your knowledge!

    • Your lottery spot is for 2020-2021. If you do not enroll you would need to re-enter the lottery as you would be rejecting the space for your child. Given the current state restrictions, it’s likely that all schools in LA County will be online between now and the foreseeable future.

  2. Hi I’m confused! We are finishing up elementary at AES magnet and not sure what best choice is? Nobel? Portola? How about Hale Charter – are charter schools part of echoices or do we go directly to lottery at the school ? Is charter or magnet better overall????

    • The best choice is the school that is the best fit for your child. Magnet, SAS, and affiliated charters (which aren’t really charters) differ in quality based on leadership, teachers, and parent support. Some schools have both magnet and SAS and many are also affiliated charters (Millikan and Hale come to mind). You will need to do your homework and “tour” the schools online. Then rank te choices based on distance from your home, transportation available, your child’s friendship groups and extracurriculars (when we can get back to XCs). If you have specific questions about specific programs at these schools, then you can come back and ask, but asking which of those schools is better would be akin to asking what’s better, UCLA or Berkeley with no other context.

      Not trying to be harsh, just realistic. What school worked for my orchestra kid for middle school might not be the same for a creative writing kid who wants to go into teaching.

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