Post 2015-16 Magnet Accepted/Wait List Info Here

Magnet letters have hit email boxes and are posted on the E-choices website.

For posterity or for laughs, feel free to post the following:

Grade Level
Points on Application
Accepted/Wait List
Any other info you deem pertinent

This helps people to know

A) They’re not alone
B) Chances in the near future (ie, whether it makes sense to apply)

This is a stressful time for many, so deep breathing and happy banter.


165 thoughts on “Post 2015-16 Magnet Accepted/Wait List Info Here

  1. Just want to share a news that Portola did apply for HGM expansion and the expansion was approved last week, so they will be accepting approximately 100 6th grade students starting this October. Last year, 81 opening spots for 6th grade students.

  2. I have a question. I applied to one of the magnets last year for this school year (1st grade). My son was put on a waiting list, so I reapplied to same school for the coming school year (2nd grade). To my surprise he was taken off of the waiting list this January :-D! Is my application null and void or do I have to cancel it?

        • You are in the magnet you applied to, so you won’t have to worry about having applied to that magnet. If you happened to get in again, you’d automatically be reassigned to the same school.

          It would be an issue if you applied to a different magnet, but you’ll be fine.

    • Thanks for posting the SAS info. I’ve made a new thread for those.

      I asked the Magnet office via Facebook message last week and the response was “the second week of March.” According to all I understand about calendars, that would be Saturday at the latest. I’m honestly guessing tonight–they have a habit of trying to post after people go home for the weekend in order to delay the frantic phone calls that inevitably occur the minute those emails appears.

  3. They’ve got to know that deadlines for responding to charters and privates is this week…right? I’m dying of the suspense!

      • No email, and the website isn’t updated. I would suspect it’s any day now since they told me 2nd week, and we’re now in 3rd week.

        • I just got a response on FB.

          Magnet office said “Not yet but this week. You can ask the school you applied to as well.”

          • And can I ask a favor from all the folks who frequent this blog? Please do NOT call the school and ask this week.

            I haven’t been to an LAUSD school office that had extra people standing around waiting to answer the phone, especially from folks wanting them to go through the list. I’ve heard a few murmurings of kids who ‘know’ they are in at some smaller magnets, but I’m not sure whether the schools actually reached out, or the families are assuming based on points.

            Student Integration Services (magnet office) did say 2nd week of March, and given the first week was March 1-7, I would have thought the 8th through the 14th would have been week 2. If by later in the week, if we haven’t heard, I will start talking to some district folks.

            I have a kid waiting to hear, as well, so I’m in the same boat.

  4. For what it’s worth, the echoices site changed their notification date from 3/13 to 3/20 sometime between this past Friday and Saturday.

    • Huh.

      I’ve been all over the website, and the closest I saw was in the newsletter saying March 2015. I emailed the Facebook folks to get a closer window because I prefer to let them answer when they have time versus sitting on hold. They were the ones who said second week. *sigh*

      No worries.

      • They don’t exactly make it easy to find. Go to the login screen and click the home tab. They’ve got a timetable there. (Of course, this news won’t stop me from checking on a daily basis. Ugh.)

        • Well, there it is.

          I’ve been saying as soon as I see a hundred posts requesting approval I will know they released the info.

          But I will probably check there a few extra times before Friday, but not every few hours like I have been. The thing with being a mom of a kid who did apply and someone who will be responsible for responding to a lot of posts, I kind of want to know before I get slammed. But we get through it. 🙂

          • You’re welcome.

            My guess is that the window for acceptance is now through the first week back, because otherwise people would have been on vacation, and it would a problem if no one could call in with questions. So they pushed back the acceptance week. No big deal. We’re all waiting, and nothing else has opened up yet. We’ll be fine.

    • It means the emails will go out after end of day on Friday, and the actual letters will likely arrive Monday.

  5. For what it’s worth, when I spoke to someone in the Magnet office today, they said notifications would NOT go out this week at all and that it would likely be next week. I re-confirmed this with her, stating that I thought indications were that the notifications would be released on the 20th and I was told that was not the case.

    • I hate to say it, I’m thinking they will push it one more time. The last few years they’ve tried to deliver them during spring break so that no one had to deal with the calls until cooler heads prevailed. I hope that’s not the case. They’ve moved up the date so early, they really can do it sooner.

      • I also called yesterday and was told end of the month.The recording on the line says by the third week of March but they person on the phone said that is not happening. I would expect the emails to go out the same time as last year.

        • If that’s the case, I’ll bet my house it will be over Spring Break when there’s no way to call schools or the SIS office.

  6. And how is it determined if you received notification via e-mail or snail mail? Obviously, e-mail would be much quicker.

    • If you applied online, you will get the online magnet notice. I’m not sure we even receive the paper anymore if we applied online.

      If you applied by paper application, they will definitely mail the notice home.

    • No email, but letters are accessible:
      Start with,
      go to View 2015-2016 Submitted Application
      go to View/Edit under Application History
      Click on Application (the blue link says Magnet/PWT/something else and the application number)
      In the upper right hand corner of the next page, it says VIEW LETTER. Click that orange button, and the letter pops up!

    • Looks like they’re on a rolling basis. Still waiting on the letter here. I am hearing several people can access it.

  7. No e-mail, but I was able to access the letter. The Accept/Decline function does not appear to be available yet.

    We were accepted at Braddock Drive HG Magnet for 2nd grade with I believe 4 points.

  8. Waitlist, Melrose, K, Hispanic girl with 4 pts

    Click on the application link and scroll to the bottom to find the letter.

    • It took me longer to figure this out:, go to View 2015-2016 Submitted Application
      go to View/Edit under Application History
      Click on Application (the blue link says Magnet/PWT/something else and the application number)
      In the upper right hand corner of the next page, it says VIEW LETTER.

      Ta da! 🙂

      • Portola highly gifted
        Asian girl 12 Points
        Grade 6
        Waitlisted 😦

        I thought Portola had been approved to accept 100 6th graders this year??

        • That seriously depends on whether your daughter is highly gifted, or highly gifted applicable. They will go from 23 down to 0 points for all highly gifted students, then consider the HGA students. And remember, there will be students who have not heard from other options, and there will be movement, starting in about two weeks.

    • I’m going to repeat this post a few times because if *I* needed a few times on a few different devices to figure it out, I’m sure others won’t find it as obvious either:

      Start with,
      go to View 2015-2016 Submitted Application
      go to View/Edit under Application History
      Click on Application (the blue link says Magnet/PWT/something else and the application number)
      In the upper right hand corner of the next page, it says VIEW LETTER. Click that orange button, and the letter pops up!

      • Thank u. These instructions helped us.
        We applied to Community Magnet Charter
        Wait listed
        No points! (Do we only get them when we reapply next year?). Only applied to this school bec it’s walking distance!

        • You have been waitlisted for now. You could conceivably receive an acceptance until Norm Day about Five weeks into the school year. So you will receive points next year when you apply if you haven’t gotten in before then.

        • 3 points means you’ve got sibling only points. I’m not sure whether you’d get in this year, but since you know the school, drop in and let them know you will take that spot right up until Norm day five weeks in. Plenty of people apply in kindergarten for that first grade spot, and realize they really like their home school. We rejected Balboa after we had time to realize how much more well rounded our elementary school was for our daughter. So hold firm, and be patient. And if not, 7 points isn’t impossible for second grade.

  9. Balboa HG – Asian girl, 2nd grade, 8 points, accepted 🙂

    Vintage Magnet – Asian boy, 1st grade, 8 points, accepted 🙂

    • Congrats! The smiles make it easier for me to say Yay. I know some folks were hoping for rejections, but you made it easy!

  10. Pingback: LAUSD Magnet Letters Available On E-Choices Website - College Prepped
  11. This may be a dumb question, but I guess there is no way to know where you stand on the waitlist (the way you get a number with Charters), is there?

    We applied to Community Charter Magnet for K with 4 points and were waitlisted… (white, boy)

    • Some schools will tell you the exact number. Others will tell you how many pages back you are (I think Cleveland tells you how many are on a page and anyone doing simply multiplication can guess where they are). Others still will at least give you a likelihood of getting in or not.

      Since they still have to maintain the ethic ratios, you might be next on the list, but you might not be the next to be accepted after the first decline.

      My suggestion is to NOT call on Monday, but to wait until after April 10th. After that they will begin calling the wait list people and they’ll know a lot more. I know some folks won’t be able to wait that long, but I’d wait and maybe even walk in a week or two after they start going down the wait list.

      • Thanks for the insight, I’ll call after April 10. We are waitlisted at LACES, (white girl 16 pts). My question is, if she’s in the bottom 2/3 of the waitlist, can I then apply at another magnet, like Palms? Or is the SAS program the only route left open for me?

        • The application period for magnets is over. Some magnets have space available after they accept everyone off their magnet wait list, so it won’t hurt to contact Palms or other magnets and inquire. To be fair, not too many schools get through the list and still have openings, but it is worth asking about.

          SAS will be starting next month, and that will likely be your best shot. You can apply to multiple schools to increase your odds.

  12. LACES Mag for grade 6 – we had 12 points going in, got put on waiting list with 4 points listed under PHBAO school. Now have 16 points. Any reason to expect any movement off that waiting list?

    • My son was in the same situation last year. He got accepted on the second day of school along with quite a few other kids. The office will give you a sense of where your child is on the wait list. Good luck.

    • Defintely call the office to see where you are on the waiting list. My daughter was called off the waiting list (two years ago), just a couple weeks after the magnet letters come out. Now with more school choice (charters), not everyone who gets into LACES chooses to go there.

  13. My oldest got accepted to his third choice (Taper Ave) with 8 pts for 4th grade with an eligibility for Park Western G/HG/HA. His younger brother got waited listed to Park Western G/HG/HA school with 4 pts for second grade. He was wait listed last year and had 4 pts., which he lost as he was supposedly chosen for an open spot, but I was never contacted even though LAUSD states that they did and my failure to reply was considered a decline and an automatic loss of points. I’m still upset about that as I know that definitely hurt his chances this year. I fought them tooth and nail to prove that I declined their offer and to reinstate his lost points but they wouldn’t do it. I will be submitting an SAS application for both for Taper Ave. and crossing my fingers that they end up at the same school. I already sent the application for my youngest for space available for Taper.

  14. Community Magnet
    4 points (from being on the kinder waitlist)
    white boy
    2nd grade
    Very happy as we are saving points for SOCES.

    • Get into LACES with 12 points?, I cannot believe it. My friend has a child in 5th grade and also white did not get in with 16 points.

      Both are good schools though.

    • So the “accept” button that you need to click on the echoices website is a little unnerving, right? After you click “accept” it seems like it can still be changed, and there is no confirmation email indicating you have chosen to accept.

      • It can not be changed from that webpage. An email shows up a little later (depending on volume. Some took hours, mine came a few minutes later).

        I think it could use a few bells or whistles, but it does work.

        And you can always call (or email) the school to confirm afterward.

        • I think the system did not like my browser. I brought it up on my phone and clicked Accept again, and this time it registered and I got an email. Thanks for your response!

    • We were in the same position and chose the IHP for several reasons. First, Walter Reed has an exceptional music program. Second, my son’s friends from Eagle Rock HGM were also at WRMS. Third, we thought it would provide him with a good foundation for North Hollywood’s HGM. It was a hard decision, but we think it was the correct one for our son.

      • I’m glad to hear the music program survived. We were very concerned that the music teacher was on the cutting block each year. We were very attracted to the 7-period schedule and the addition of Latin, but we made our choice as well, and she’s going to study Latin at the community college next summer instead.

        • The Walter Reed Middle School music program survived DESPITE the outgoing principal’s decision to reduce the 7-period schedule to 6 and the senior instrumental teacher moving to Hamilton Music Magnet. In order to play in the 8th Grade jazz band, my son would have had to take a zero-period PE class, which was geographically and chronologically impossible.

  15. Valley Alt Mag.
    white girls
    2nd grand and kinder
    no points

    If you ware waitlisted and want to remain on the waitlist do you click the confirm button? Thanks!

    • The online component is new to me. I’m surprised they allow you to confirm a waitlist. I’d call the school. I don’t think you can accept a ‘waitlist.’ You, simply put, just wait. 😉

  16. Cleveland Magnet
    16 points waitlisted
    Very good sources say they go through their waitlist each year. What do you think our chances are?

    • With 16, you should get in fairly soon. You’ll be able to find out what page of the wait list you are on, then keep checking their website.

      SAS has not happened yet, and Granada hasn’t sent out their letters yet. Many kids who apply to Cleveland also apply to Granada, so there will be movement.

      Hang tight.

      • Granada’s list was posted in the main hallway last week, but I guess some people just wait for the letters. You say check the website. For what?

        • Cleveland’s website posts what page of the wait list they are on as they move down the list.

          Granada posts the list, some people sat there during the lottery, and others wait for the letter. Someone heard my kid’s name, so we know, so I don’t have to go on campus.

          • Just got accepted off the waitlist for High Tech Hi. Can we accept there while we wait on Cleveland? Don’t want to null and void anything at Cleveland.

          • Yes. Charters are separate and share nothing with downtown.

            The minute that Cleveland calls, however, contact HTH and tell them. No reason to let someone worry for no reason.

  17. Nobel MS
    African-American (should have indicated White as child is mixed)
    Not selected by Nobel MS
    Selected by second-choice Frost MS
    Girl – 8 points from applying in previous years (Balboa – never selected)
    Highly Gifted – Intellectual ability, High Achievement

    • Lisa,

      I hope you will at least go visit Frost. My daughter’s elementary school feeder was Frost and there are MANY very happy families. The test scores are comparable between Nobel, Frost and Holmes. There are other options as well.

      Good luck.

  18. Pingback: Rejection | Hope Change Choices
        • I am rethinking sending my daughter to ERE highly gifted for 3rd grade. If I apply for 4th, do you think we would have slim chances of getting in again? We would have lost all the points.

          • Kinda out of my area of expertise, so my suggestion is going to be to wait and call the magnet coordinator at ERE and ask. It’s not uncommon at elementary magnets for spots to pop up in 4th and 5th grade through attrition and other families not wanting to move their kids so the spots go unclaimed (or they go through the list faster). The downside is there are usually very few spots.

            Anyone else in Eagle Rock?

          • It is possible to reapply at Eagle Rock HGM next year with zero point. One of my child’s classmate left our gifted magnet after finished 3rd grade, she got a spot at Eagle Rock HGM for grade 4 last year. But it may depend on the year. There is no guaranteed.

          • It may also depend on whether your child is HG or HGA. At ERE, and perhaps district-wide, there are not enough HG-identified kids to fill the classes, so they are filled in with HGA kids. My HG-son attended ERE for 3rd-5th grade and had a great experience. He and several of his friends continued at Walter Reed IHP and now will start North Hollywood HGM in the fall.

          • She tested HG. I think we will just go for it this year. She is willing, and we have a little one entering kindergarten, and don’t want to move her back and forth. Sometimes I forget about the second kid!

  19. Vintage
    2nd grade boy
    12 points (PHBAO and 2 years of waitlist)
    Wait List

    I applied here in Nov when we were considering moving to the North Valley, but eventually we decided to stay in our North East LA neighborhood. I wouldn’t mind getting in so I could accrue points for middle with less chance of getting accepted somewhere.

  20. White boy
    9th grade
    Hamilton High Humanities Magnet
    4 points (had many points back in 3rd grade, but lost them all when we turned down a spot at Open Charter Magnet for 4th grade)
    34th on overall waiting list (but 15th on non-minority portion of waitlist)

    Question: what do folks hear about the Humanities Magnet in recent years?

  21. My daughter wanted to go to Palms then LACES, Emerson …now LACES, again.

    1st choice – Palms HG/Mag – waitlisted
    2nd choice – LACES – no response

    Her 2 very best friends in her 5th grade class got into LACES.

    My question – will we receive correspondence for the 2nd choice regarding waitlist or acceptance?
    African-American / 6th grade / 8pts

    • You are only on ONE waitlist, so you won’t hear from LACES, unfortunately. Your second choice is only run after the first choice, and if there is no room at the second school, you go back to the first school’s wait list. You can try to be placed on the waitlist for your second choice by calling, but I’m afraid by the time they get through their entire waitlist and get to the late additions, there’s little chance it would do any good.

  22. Your child still has very good chance to get off waitlist at Palms. Magnet points can use with first choice only and you will need minimum 16 points (but usually 19 points) to get into LACES..

  23. Community Magnet
    4 points (overcrowding at Franklin, our home school)
    White boy, going into 3rd grade
    Yay! (trying to save up points for King magnet)

    • Good luck, Cynthia! Be super careful, however, as point totals have been going down, and that surprise acceptance in 4th and 5th grade is a REAL bummer if it’s really just for points.

  24. Vintage Magnet
    Accepted-1st Grade
    African-American Girl
    I believe we had 8 points from Kindergarten. We got PHBAO, and we were wait listed last year for Community Charter.

    I haven’t accepted yet as she got into Ivy Academia Charter this past January and it’s been ok so far and we also got selected for Oak Park School district. Any suggestions?

  25. Son was accepted into van nuys math science magnet middle school. This wasn’t our first choice, if I accept can I still apply for open enrollment at other middle schools? And then decline if he gets in somewhere else.

    11 year old

    Home school is Pacoima Middle School, which is not an ideal fit.

  26. Cleveland Humanities Magnet
    9th grade
    white male
    12 points
    waitlisted — 2nd â…“ of the wait list, approximately 88-167 out of 250. 😦

    Do you know whether sex makes a difference — my son has a friend with all the same stats other than the fact that she is a girl, and she was offered a spot in the initial acceptance phase?

    • Gender doesn’t really. What happens is there are some pretty large groups of people with the same amount of points. Some get in, and some are waitlisted. I would say 12 is probably the *largest* group of people with points. You’ve either matriculated or been on the waitlist for 3 years. Or two years and PHBAO. It’s a VERY common space to be. There could conceivably be 100 or more with the same point total. They rank folks by points, then they randomly assign the numbers within that point total. So theoretically all the people with 88-167 could have 12 points.

      It sounds like your friend’s child got luckier. Cleveland has always gotten through that waitlist by the start of school, so be patient, have a decent back up, and you will very likely hear from them soon.

      They only started calling wait list folks yesterday.

      • Thanks! Yes, he is matriculating from Porter Gifted Magnet… a good number of Porter kids head to Cleveland each year. When I called they told me it was likely he would get in by the end of this school year… it’s just hard to wait. 🙂

      • I do not think that is possible. We had 16 points and white going into 9th grade and got waitlisted. And we are not the only ones. Your friend could not have had the same stats as you and gotten in on the initial acceptance. Is it at all possible she applied as a minority?

  27. Update:
    I followed up on the wait list regarding my youngest son (Hispanic, 4 pts, going to 2nd grade) at Park Western HA/G/HG. I called as soon as I received his wait list letter to find out what his position on the wait list was and they told me that it was 9th. I was informed that they had a possible 12 spots for that grade and to call back after the 10th of April when parents made their decision to accept or decline. Called today on the 14th to follow up and was told that there were now only 10 spots available and that they had to look at points and ethnicity to consider who to give the spots to. I was also told that there were a few students that were not coming back and that he still had a chance by summer. I’m aware that it’s a waiting game but I want to know as soon as possible as my oldest son will be going to Taper Ave. Magnet and wanted to set up transportation and day care. I applied for space available to my oldest son’s school so that they could be in the same school together if he wasn’t removed from the wait list, but I just found out that it was done in vain as there will be no room for the upcoming school year. Last thing I can do is submit the SAS application (which I have already had the principal sign off on and had his teacher write a letter of recommendation) and hope that he gets in that way as his home school is not suitable for him. I’d be grateful for any suggestions.

    • It’s a waiting game unfortunately. I know how most people want to be done with the process and ready for school to begin when they get out in June, but bottom line some families will be called up to four or five weeks into the new school year.

      Magnets are a desegregation program, and that’s what they are trying to accomplish.

      Good luck, and now that they are moving on the wait list, here’s hoping you get in soon.

  28. Melrose Elementary
    African-America (mixed)
    4 Points
    Wait List
    I was wondering was I suppose to click on the confirm button for the wait list?

  29. Harbor G/HG/Ha (formerly Park Western)
    Incoming 2nd grade, Hispanic, 4 pts., Wait List

    Got the call Tuesday and he’s in!!! He’s very excited and looking forward to a new school. I’m just glad the waiting game is over. Now the challenge is dealing with two boys at two different magnets, both with IEPs. I’m looking forward to it.

  30. I guess I am a bit late to the party.

    Girl, white 8 points
    Nobel middle school
    Wait list – 6th grade
    I was told that she’s on the “bottom of the first page” by Nobel. And “middle of second page” by the district. The district’s wait list is about 15 kids per page while the school is about 50-60 per page. So with that I deduced that I might be about 45 on the overall list. The district said I have about 10-12 white kids ahead of me. Do you think there’s still a chance that nobel might call me?

  31. I guess I am a bit late to the party.

    Girl, white 8 points
    Nobel middle school
    Wait list – 6th grade
    I was told that she’s on the “bottom of the first page” by Nobel. And “middle of second page” by the district. The district’s wait list is about 15 kids per page while the school is about 50-60 per page. So with that I deduced that I might be about 45 on the overall list. The district said I have about 10-12 white kids ahead of me. Do you think there’s still a chance that Nobel might call me? She did get into SAS there but I would like magnet for the matriculation points and other reasons as well.

    Another child:
    White girl, 4 points
    4th grade – Valley Alternative magnet
    Wait list – they said she’s about 100 on the wait list for 4th grade. I would like to not get in this year and have her culminate with her classmates. Is there a chance she’ll remain on the wait list? The school said that “they don’t know what will happen and might not be able to fill 4th grade to capacity.”

    • The 10th on the wait list for Nobel could definitely happen. If you really want it to happen, make sure they know you want that spot as late as first day of school (you will need a backup). More movement happens as the summer goes on, people make other choices, etc.

      I’d say you were safe at 100 for the wait list for 4th grade, but since most people feel the way you do, they can move very quickly as late as a month into the school year, so nothing is 100%.

      • Thanks! We have a back up in Nobel’s SAS – and I did tell them that I am definitely interested in the magnet so they should know by now… I’ve called them and stopped by enough times by now…either way she’ll be at Nobel.

        This is a goldmine of a website. I wish I had known about this years ago. Thanks!

  32. Update:

    12 points Minority Girl previously wait listed at Portola HGM. Now accepted!

    Also selected for Nobel SAS. Decisions decisions. What to do?

    • Did you tour both? Did you have a specific preference? Do you have in your mind where you’d like her to end up for HS? Portola kids tend to end up at NoHo. Nobel kids want to go to Granada, but may not be able to get in.

      Also consider where you live, and how you’ll do transportation.

      Congrats! You have a good problem to have.

      • Thank you. Yes, we toured both. Our home High school is Granada. I would ideally like to have her close by at Nobel then on to Granada but she is leaning toward Portola. I am a bit nervous as to how academically challenging Portola might be and whether she’d be overwhelmed there.

  33. Posting this in case it gives hope/information to anyone in the future…Community Magnet called today (the day before school starts, right?) and offered my daughter a kindergarten spot off of the wait list (white, 4 points). I declined (we are excited now about where we ended up and want to give it a go). But I hope someone else got some good news today and took the spot!

    • Thanks for posting and with such a great attitude to boot! Good luck on where you chose, and I do hope some family gets that happy news.

      When my daughter turned down the charter school she applied to for the magnet school she chose, a couple of days later we heard from friends that their son got called in from the wait list. We’d like to think he got her spot. 🙂

  34. So we were wait-listed at Laces. What happens next? Does that mean find somewhere else for fall? I’m a first timer in all this so bear with me.

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